For contact information for each group or to find out more if you are a non-member, please email [email protected]
For contact information for each group or to find out more if you are a non-member, please email [email protected]

Issues and Actions
The CFUW-Kelowna Advocacy committee considers current issues: Local, National and International. The primary focus is on local while considering CFUW National and CFUW Provincial policies. The group meets via ZOOM on the second Tuesday of the month at 10 am. (This date and time may change to suit the wishes of those who attend.) Information is shared and the format enables providing recommendation to the CFUW- Kelowna Board. Homelessness, climate change, opioid crisis, and the annual December 6th vigil have been part of past agendas. Education is a primary focus and if there are ideas you would like to put forward for consideration with follow up action then this is the group for you.
Morning Chat Group
We meet the last Saturday morning of the month at 10am at the Capri hotel poolside lounge.
Contact the coordinator to have your name included on the email invitation list. Members only. Contact email is on Members' Only page 3, along with contact info for other interest groups. Topics are of general interest and elicit lively discussion.
Evening Dining Out
We meet on the first Thursday of the month, year round. An email is sent to group members, with information as to where a dinner reservation has been made. Members then have to let the group’s leader know if they want to be included in that evening’s dinner. We usually plan to meet around 5:45 or 6:00 pm and everybody is welcome to join, so put your name on the list.
Out to Lunch Bunch
We meet at a different restaurant on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 11:45am. The purpose is to sample the offerings of our local restaurants and to enjoy each others’ company. All are welcome and the participants take turns arranging the venue.
Games and Grub
A weekend group for those who'd like to get together to eat, socialize, laugh and play games. All are welcome. Dates to be determined by the group.
Evening Dining Out
We meet on the first Thursday of the month, year round. An email is sent to group members, with information as to where a dinner reservation has been made. Members then have to let the group’s leader know if they want to be included in that evening’s dinner. We usually plan to meet around 5:45 or 6:00 pm and everybody is welcome to join, so put your name on the list.
Out to Lunch Bunch
We meet at a different restaurant on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 11:45am. The purpose is to sample the offerings of our local restaurants and to enjoy each others’ company. All are welcome and the participants take turns arranging the venue.
Games and Grub
A weekend group for those who'd like to get together to eat, socialize, laugh and play games. All are welcome. Dates to be determined by the group.
Meets Fridays at 9.30 a.m.and goes for coffee after the walk. A list of locations is provided in advance by email, and also in the newsletters and on the website. Updated list of walks planned is now posted on Members' only page 1.
Some members are interested in doing more challenging and longer walks/ hikes with some hills. These are scheduled for certain Wednesdays. Snowshoeing takes the place of the Wednesday hikes in winter.
Golf Group
We play at different courses around Kelowna and the surrounding area in the warmer months. Usually we play 9 holes. Day and time varies. TBA.
Meets Fridays at 9.30 a.m.and goes for coffee after the walk. A list of locations is provided in advance by email, and also in the newsletters and on the website. Updated list of walks planned is now posted on Members' only page 1.
Some members are interested in doing more challenging and longer walks/ hikes with some hills. These are scheduled for certain Wednesdays. Snowshoeing takes the place of the Wednesday hikes in winter.
Golf Group
We play at different courses around Kelowna and the surrounding area in the warmer months. Usually we play 9 holes. Day and time varies. TBA.
Book Chains
We love to read! But we have no meetings, no discussion. We each read a different book between club meetings and then pass it down the chain, (always to the same person). In this way we pay for one book, but read eight. Cost is shared equally. In May at our annual potluck we draw for a book to keep. Click on the files below to download the titles for each book group.
Morning Book Discussion Group
We meet the last Tuesday of the month (except Dec) at 9:30am to discuss a book chosen from a list of suggestions made in the previous June by members of the group, either fiction or non-fiction. See below for list of titles.
Afternoon Book Discussion Group
We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month, usually at 1:30pm, at various members' homes. Books are chosen in the spring. Everyone is welcome to come and join the discussion.
The new book club will be meeting on Tuesday, October 29th 1:30 to 3:30 pm to select books and finalize operating logistics plan. The first book club discussion will occur on the third Tuesday afternoon in November. Six spaces are open. Contact info on Members' Only page 3.
Book Chains
We love to read! But we have no meetings, no discussion. We each read a different book between club meetings and then pass it down the chain, (always to the same person). In this way we pay for one book, but read eight. Cost is shared equally. In May at our annual potluck we draw for a book to keep. Click on the files below to download the titles for each book group.
Morning Book Discussion Group
We meet the last Tuesday of the month (except Dec) at 9:30am to discuss a book chosen from a list of suggestions made in the previous June by members of the group, either fiction or non-fiction. See below for list of titles.
Afternoon Book Discussion Group
We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month, usually at 1:30pm, at various members' homes. Books are chosen in the spring. Everyone is welcome to come and join the discussion.
The new book club will be meeting on Tuesday, October 29th 1:30 to 3:30 pm to select books and finalize operating logistics plan. The first book club discussion will occur on the third Tuesday afternoon in November. Six spaces are open. Contact info on Members' Only page 3.
Here are the books each group is reading this year.
Click below to download. ![]()
Knitters, Crafters and more...
We meet monthly at different members’ homes. The day and time is determined once the group meets in September. What was once mostly knitted and felted projects has now evolved into items using recycled materials and other media techniques. Sometimes workshops are organized in order to utilize some crafting talents such as recycling Christmas decorations. We participate in various craft fairs in order to sell our creations. Our felted animals are recognized in the community due to their uniqueness. All of our profits are donated to the Scholarship and Bursary education accounts for students attending post education in our region. For more details see Education page.
Knitters, Crafters and more...
We meet monthly at different members’ homes. The day and time is determined once the group meets in September. What was once mostly knitted and felted projects has now evolved into items using recycled materials and other media techniques. Sometimes workshops are organized in order to utilize some crafting talents such as recycling Christmas decorations. We participate in various craft fairs in order to sell our creations. Our felted animals are recognized in the community due to their uniqueness. All of our profits are donated to the Scholarship and Bursary education accounts for students attending post education in our region. For more details see Education page.
PLAY CARDS ... and more
We play bridge at 1:00pm every 2nd and 4th Monday, either in person or on-line. Skill level is not important.
Out and About
We plan outings to a local museum, art gallery, concert, festival, happening at a park, whatever catches our eye. The day and time will therefore vary with the event.
CFUW Kelowna has a contract with the City to clean up 2 roads in October and April. We usually do this on a chosen Thursday morning, carpooling about 9:30am to Weddell Place and Poplar Point Drive. Coffee following!
New ideas for more interest groups are always welcome!
The sign-up for the Interest Groups each year takes place at our Open House in September. For those who wish to sign up later, please contact the email address at the top of this page OR [email protected]
For some of our popular groups, there may be limits they can accommodate so we suggest you sign up early rather than later.
We play bridge at 1:00pm every 2nd and 4th Monday, either in person or on-line. Skill level is not important.
Out and About
We plan outings to a local museum, art gallery, concert, festival, happening at a park, whatever catches our eye. The day and time will therefore vary with the event.
CFUW Kelowna has a contract with the City to clean up 2 roads in October and April. We usually do this on a chosen Thursday morning, carpooling about 9:30am to Weddell Place and Poplar Point Drive. Coffee following!
New ideas for more interest groups are always welcome!
The sign-up for the Interest Groups each year takes place at our Open House in September. For those who wish to sign up later, please contact the email address at the top of this page OR [email protected]
For some of our popular groups, there may be limits they can accommodate so we suggest you sign up early rather than later.